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The Toltec Path
Performing the Sequence
Video showing the execution of the Sequence (36:50)
Unit 1 - The foundation of silence
Course description
Introduction to nagualism - Part 1 (25:58)
Introduction to nagualism - Part 2 (30:01)
Introduction to nagualism - Part 3 (29:01)
Introduction to nagualism - Part 4 (20:22)
Introduction to nagualism - Part 5 (19:09)
Introducing The Sequence - Part 1 (20:58)
Introducing The Sequence - Part 2 (18:48)
The centers of power and perception (28:42)
Introductory excercise to the first movement (21:27)
Modulated breathing (24:20)
Execution of the first movement (32:12)
Theoretical introduction to practices (12:10)
The continuous gaze - Part 1 (83:59)
The continuous gaze - Part 2 (70:29)
The continuous gaze - Part 3 (15:09)
The extended perception - Part 1 (16:08)
The extended perception - Part 2 (14:13)
Stimulating specific areas in the body (18:28)
Auditory gazing (17:59)
Gazing at rocks - Part 1 (60:35)
Gazing at rocks - Part 2 (14:00)
Gazing at vegetation (21:59)
Dynamic gazing (21:32)
Evoking the energy body (17:30)
The first homework (25:13)
Capturing knowledge (6:15)
Unit 2 - Opening the will
Introductory excercise to movement 2 (64:22)
Movement 2 - The direction (81:52)
The vibratory aspect of energy (24:46)
The will (22:43)
Trusting the will (22:30)
Extending the will (14:36)
Sounds in the will (10:44)
Launching the will (72:38)
Distances and movement (21:43)
Connecting eyes and will by absorbing energy from light (13:03)
Homework 2 (13:10)
Unit 3 - The basics of reiteration
Introductory excercise to movement 3 (70:44)
The silencing breath (10:50)
Movement 3 - The change in intensity (8:42)
Reiteration (25:02)
Reiterative gazing (76:10)
The reiterative act (14:34)
Shifting attention in a reiterative form (13:31)
The reiterative path (23:23)
Homework 3 (9:16)
Unit 4 - Eluding Interpretation
Introductory excercise to movement 4 (10:25)
Merging with darkness (15:41)
Movement 4 - Attention beyond the boundaries (11:19)
Eluding Interpretation (19:15)
Gazing beyond boundaries (26:13)
Homework 4 (12:35)
Unit 5 - The Area of Possibilities
Introductory excercise to movement 5 (10:20)
The relenting perception (16:23)
Movement 5 - The sensitivity of the vibratory center (21:55)
The area of possibilities (15:12)
Accessing the area of possibilities (13:44)
With a mirror (13:46)
Moving with water (16:55)
With your shadow (11:45)
The reiterative movement (9:27)
Homework 5 (3:34)
Unit 6 – Releasing Intensity
The Sequence up to Movement 7 (2:42)
Introductory Exercise to Movements 6 and 7 (10:37)
Movements 6 and 7 (20:19)
Releasing Intensity – Theory (21:46)
Releasing Intensity – Practice (17:47)
Homework 6 (6:23)
Unit 7 – Cleaning out the Attic
Introductory Exercise to Movement 8 (7:14)
Remaining Motionless (27:06)
Movement 8 (16:25)
The Religious Approach (18:12)
Supplement to The Religious Approach (3:58)
Stopping and Changing Direction (16:59)
Homework 7 (25:05)
Unit 8 – The Recapitulation 1 – The Sweeping Breath
Introductory Exercise to Movements 9 and 10 (8:01)
Movement 9 – Calling forth the World (16:17)
Two Purposes of the Recapitulation (19:06)
The Time Line (9:40)
The Sweeping Breath (14:58)
The Recapitulation Tent (20:07)
Becoming Fog, Opening the Darkness and the Time Line (14:37)
Experiencing the Sweeping Breath (16:50)
Homework 8 (4:55)
Unit 9 - The Recapitulation 2 – The First Threshold
Movement 10 – Receiving the World (12:34)
General Explanation about the Recapitulation (16:06)
The Thresholds of the Recapitulation - The first threshold (13:01)
Stimulating the Areas of Memories (15:43)
Exercise for the First Threshold – The Immediate Repetition (27:46)
Exercise for the First Threshold – The Dreamer’s Memory (20:02)
Daily Recapitulation (15:48)
Homework 9 (5:27)
Unit 10 – The Recapitulation 3 – The Second Threshold
Preparatory Exercise to Movement 11 (5:13)
Movement 11 – The Discipline of Unbending Intent (20:41)
Preparing the Area of the Glow (24:49)
Opening the Time Line
Exercise for the Second Threshold – The Escape Nooks (29:57)
Homework 10 (7:50)
Unit 11 – The Recapitulation 4 – The Third Threshold
The Sequence up to Movement 12 (7:03)
Preparatory Exercise to Movements 12 and 13 (7:03)
Movement 12 – Inner Strength (15:46)
The Intent of the Recapitulation (18:21)
The Double Perception (14:26)
Full and Voids (18:04)
Non-Gazing (extracted from the youtube channel) (5:36)
Seeing the Sounds (15:00)
Releasing the Attention of the Second Type (13:47)
The Breath at the Window (10:50)
Homework 11 (6:05)
Unit 12 – The Recapitulation 5 – The List
The Sequence up to Movement 13
Preparatory Exercise to Movement 13 (5:28)
Movement 13 – Control (5:28)
The List as a Magical Act (17:35)
Preparing the List (28:54)
Harmonizing the List with the Energy Thresholds (12:51)
Homework 12 (12:10)
Unit 13 – Stalking 1 – The Human Form
The Sequence up to Movement 14
Preparatory Exercise to Movement 14 (3:39)
Movement 14 – The Infallible Guide (14:14)
Introduction to the Art of Stalking (13:46)
The Human Form (24:40)
Personal History (13:26)
The Area of Indulgence (14:11)
Homework 13 (10:10)
Unit 14 – Stalking 2 – Copying the Configuration
The Sequence up to Movement 15
Preparatory Exercise to Movement 15 (7:35)
Movement 15 – The Realignment (19:11)
Copying the Configuration (12:33)
Structures (13:05)
Vegetation (13:55)
Places (12:57)
Homework 14 (4:43)
Unit 15 – Stalking 3 – Operating the Transition for Stalking in the Double Perception
The Sequence up to Movement 16
Preparatory Exercise to Movement 16 (6:10)
Movement 16 – Extending Unbending Intent (18:16)
Operating the Transition (13:55)
Defining the Will in the Attention of the Second Type (17:42)
Operating the Transition in the Reiteration (17:41)
Operating the Transition in the Reiterative Action (17:50)
Operating the Transition in the Action (9:50)
Homework 15 (1:32)
Unit 16 – Stalking 4 – The Structure of Sociality
The Sequence up to Movement 17
Preparatory Exercise to Movement 17 (6:49)
Movement 17 – The Opening (19:50)
The Structure of Sociality (16:41)
Selective Perception (19:03)
Gazing Techniques for Sociality (14:26)
Other Sociality (21:31)
Gazing at Sociality (20:25)
The Fool’s Day (21:54)
Exerpt from The Predominance of the Energy Body
In the Area of Possibilities (11:53)
Homework 16 (8:13)
Teach online with
Non-Gazing (extracted from the youtube channel)
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